
German Cockroach

Blattella germanica                            
SIZE: 1/2 – 5/8 inch (13-16mm)

COLOR: Light brown to tan with two dark parallel bands running from behind their head to their wings.

DESCRIPTION: The German cockroach is one of the most commonly encountered species.  Readily infesting houses, apartments, restaurants and other institutions throughout Asia.  

HABITAT: They are active mostly at night, and hide in dark crevices during the day.  If German cockroaches are seen during the day, the population may be high and the available harborage is full, or food and moisture are in short supply resulting in daytime foraging.  German cockroaches prefer to stay close to moisture and food and are generally found in the kitchens and bathrooms.

LIFE CYCLE: German cockroaches are highly successful due to the high rate of reproduction.  The female carries the egg capsule protruding from the rear of her abdomen until the eggs are ready to hatch.  Each egg capsule will contain 30-48 nymphs (young).  It takes 28 days from the initial formation of the egg capsule until it hatches.  Formation of the next egg capsule usually begins within 2 weeks.  Nymphs require as little as 40 days to become a mature adult.  Adults German cockroaches can live up to one year.

TYPE OF DAMAGE: In addition to being a nuisance by readily infesting our food, German cockroaches have been implicated in outbreaks of illness and may cause allergic reactions in some people.  

CONTROL: There are two equally effective methods for eliminating cockroach infestations.  The use of gel or other commercial roach bait will completely eliminate roach infestation.  This product is a stomach poison and is consumed by the roaches, it is highly effective however may take 4-6 weeks to achieve complete control. Benefits of the bait treatment include: reduced risk of spreading infestation in multi-unit dwellings, no preparation required, safe or infants and pets, no need to vacate during treatment. The alternative method is to spray using residual insecticides.  A spray treatment will provide very quick results and usually only take about a week to completely eliminate infestations.  Preparation for this treatment will include emptying all kitchen cupboards and bathroom vanities, etc....